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Aneta Birner

Writer | Performer | Marketer

Přináším poznatky z behaviorálních věd

do odvětví divadla, reklamy a filmu.

Dylan Perryman | Lead UX Writer | Tesco

„Aneta is a confident, passionate and skilful UX writer. Her fierce passion for her craft drives her to do the right thing for users while balancing the strategic needs of the business. And that’s a tricky thing to do. She’s a gifted and pragmatic problem solver and is transforming the UX work Tesco does in Czechia. She’s also smart, witty and a total pleasure to work with.

Our growing team in Central Europe wouldn’t be the same without her expertise and vision.“

Motivační přednáška

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které k lidem promlouvají.


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jemuž diváci

100% podlehnou.

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Aneta Birner

 Praha 7

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©2024 by Aneta Birner

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